iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, Droid RAZR MAXX HD, Note II, Lumia 920 & HTC One X/8

Top Best Smartphones

Top Best SmartphonesNovember started off brisk holiday sales for all carriers, with the top seller the iPhone 5 for all carriers except T-Mobile where the Samsung Galaxy S III was the top seller, according to the latest report from Mike Walkley at Canaccord Genuity research. There's a new Samsung Galaxy device that is reaching the top three and that is the Samsung Galaxy Note II.

The top best smartphones of the fall of 2012 were represented by many manufacturers with Android the most mentioned operating system. The company checks stores over the country to find out the bestsellers.

For global sales, Walkely predicted with November checks showing strong sales and improved supply of iPhone 5 " combined with Apple’s aggressive iPhone 5 launch plans for the December quarter and solid legacy iPhone 4S/4 model sales, we anticipate 47.5M iPhone sales during the December quarter."

 Walkely reported "checks indicated mixed sales of new Windows Phone 8 smartphones, including the Nokia Lumia 920 at AT&T and HTC Windows 8X at AT&T/Verizon/T-Mobile."

Previously he predicted that in October the iPhone 5 will make a big come back with 4G LTE access and a larger form factor.

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Best Smartphone Satisfaction - HTC Radar/Titan II, HTC Amaze/One S, Samsung Galaxy Note & iPhone 5

Best Smartphones

Best SmartphonesAnalyst  Gregory Yankelovich at Amplified Analytics has found smartphones are not just about hardware but about  experience. While the media is constantly comparing the iPhone 5 to the Samsung Galaxy S III  or rating by features  -customer satisfaction culled  from online reviews and specific attributes of  experiences show a completely different story. Owners are the most happy with HTC Windows Phones, top HTC Android smartphones and the Samsung Galaxy Note.

"Windows Phone does so well because customers can connect simply and clearly in a way that is easily understood by most users," said Yankelovich.  He also said Windows Phone users especially liked Nokia Maps. Amplified Analytics' rates smartphones by reputation.

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Samsung Galaxy S3 (III) Top Best iPhone 4S: Droid RAZR MAXX, Galaxy Nexus, HTC EVO 4G & One S Scored

Top Best Smartphones

Top Best SmartphonesFor the first time, the iPhone 4S is not the top selling smartphone in the Canaccord Genuity's Michael Walkey. The top best smartphones of the summer of 2012 were represented by many manufacturers with Android the most mentioned operating system. The company checks stores over the country to find out the bestsllers.

It could be that iPhone Phans are waiting to the next iPhone 5 release date while the Samsung Galaxy S III was released and highly promoted this summer.  The Samsung Galaxy S III can also be found discounted and the iPhone is never reduced. There was also good news for Windows Phones, The Nokia Lumia 900 made an appearance in the top three.

Walkley noted that in October the iPhone 5 will make a big come back with 4G LTE access and a larger form factor.

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Jelly Bean 4.1 (JB) Sweetness Updates Coming to HTC Ones (X/S), Samsung Galaxy S's (2&3) & AsusTranformers

Android Jelly Bean 4.1

Android Jelly Bean 4.1While only the Nexus 7 is being shipped with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean preloaded, updates of  other makers and models to the Jelly Bean update are being discussed and leaked.

There have been rumors and official statements. No exact release dates have been offered so far for the udpate to Android 4.1 Jelly Bean for makers of models other than the Nexus series. See Android 4.1 Jelly Bean features.

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