Top Best Smartphones: Droid RAZR, Galaxy Nexus, Bionic, iPhone 4S, HTC Rezound ThunderBolt & LG Revolution

Verizon WirelessWireless and Mobile News reviewed all the top best hottest coolest smartphones of the year lists and the results are in. We published the results for T-MobileSprint, and AT&T.  Today we look at the results for Verizon Wireless.

Read the best smartphones results.

Verizon Wireless' top picks were all  4G LTE Android smartphones except for the iPhone 4S. Top maker was Samsung, Motorola and HTC had two winners each while LG and Apple had one winner.

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus was so loved, reviewers but it on the top lists before it was released on December 15 and gave the unlocked version winning scores.  The Verizon winning list is the only carrier list to lack the Samsung Galaxy S II, instead the Nexus took its place because the Samsung Galaxy S II is not offered by Verizon Wireless.

The Droid RAZR was released in time to make it to many of the top smartphone lists and reigns supreme for its durability and thinness.

With the scores from the highest to lowest, here are the winners. Average ranking, summaries and links to reviews are followed by the best lowest price as of publication.

Wireless and Mobile News' Top Best Coolest Verizon Wireless Smartphones Review of Reviews

  • Droid RAZR, 4.2/5 -  WMNS RoR'  reviewers of the DROID RAZR gave it Editors' Choice and rated it well for being the fastest and thinnest for now. the Verizon Wireless  sells the DROID RAZR for $299 and is offering double data through the holidays as well as $100 off a Droid Xyboard and $50 off Motorola accessories. Amazon Wireless as of this writing is selling it for $169.99 for new customers.
  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus, 4.125/5 - Named as the top best even before the price was known and even before it was reviewed, this choice illustrates how much buzz the Nexus received. The only Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. This superphone could be considered part Samsung Galaxy S II due to its Super AMOLED touchscreen but lacks the Samsung TouchWiz user interface.  Because of its recent released the best deal we can find of this writing is $249.99 from Amazon Wireless.
  • Droid Bionic 4/5 -WMNS RoR reviewers of the Droid Bionic all agreed that it is the fastest smartphone on the Verizon network and gave it the honor of Editors' Choice.  Online retailer Amazon is selling the Droid Bionic for $49.99 for new customers with a contract or $179.99 for renewing customers.
  • iPhone 4S 4/5 -The best features of the iPhone 4S are its faster performance, superb camera and beautiful touchscreen.  The less favored features are you can only upload video in 1080p and Siri is not always accurate.
  • HTC Rezound 3.833/5 - Best features noted by reviewers were the Beats enhanced audio, dual-core processor and HTC Sense UI.  WMNS Dare 2 Compare of the RAZR vs Rezound, revealed the RAZR winning one and losing the other comparison. HTC Rezound  at Amazon is $149.99 for new customers and renewing customers.
  • HTC ThunberBolt 4.15/5 - WMNS RoR reviewers all praised how fast data, webpages and browsing is on the HTC ThunderBolt.  Amazon Wireless sells the HTC ThunderBolt for, while Verizon Wireless has a special deal with an extended life battery.
  • LG Revolution 4.3/5 - Every reviewer we reviewed rated the LG Revolution 3.5 and found the good points to be the bright 4.3" touchscreen, 4G LTE data speeds and Netflix. The 4G LTE LG Revolution is priced at one-cent at Amazon Wireless for new customers and renewing customers with a contract.
  • Samsung Droid Charge 4.3/5 -   Reviewers raved about the Super AMOLED touchscreen, great camera/camcorder and fantastic 4G LTE speeds. Amazon Wireless discounts it to one-cent for new and renewing customers.
Read all the "best of 2011" results from Wireless and Mobile News. We included CNET's Best Top Ten Smartphones of 2011, PC World  PCMag and Digital Trends. Consumer Reports' top best-rated choices for Verizon WirelessT-Mobile, AT&T and Sprint are also covered.